Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Rainy day.

I had a plod to the local shop today to pick up some things on the MTB. The rain stopped long enough to let me get there and back, then the heavens opened up once I stepped in the door.

The fixie is still in a 'work in progress' state at the moment, as I am trying different things and have got a new frame and forks to spray up and try out. Plus saving a few pennies for different things.

However, I did make myself just ride in one gear and keep pedalling, but it just doesn't feel right for obvious reasons. I didn't feel the need to change gear, even though I knew they were there.

You should also go download the new issue of Fixed Mag. I'm enjoying it on the new mac os - Lion. Pretty good so far.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Always wondering.

After trawling blogs and various websites I sit and wonder where I want my fixed gear riding to go.

Do I want to maybe run some tougher rims and try to be a bit more adventurous, learn some stuff and fall off a lot? (as I do with everything) Or do I just want to keep it simple, now and again trying some stuff?

I dunno. I don't think anyone can answer it for me. Maybe I'll gain more experience from riding with people and seeing what they do and how they do it. It's alright staying up till 2am watching video after video of some of the best fixed riders around and wishing to be like them, as I know I wont. But I do enjoy watching them.

I think for now I just want to enjoy for what it is. You don't have to worry about flicking the horse crap from your derailleur when you get home from a ride on the mtb. You can just think about riding and enjoying what's going on and watch those who want to take it further.

I'll stop worrying for now, find some people to ride with a just go with it.


New Project

Ebay has come up trumps and I should have a new project underway tonight. Got most of the parts, just itching to get started.

Shame the rain is persisting and blocking most attempts to get out on any form of 2 wheels without getting soaked to the skin.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Jordan from Elliott Trent on Vimeo.

This video just sums up life and bikes. Perfect.


Welcome to the home of Fixed Gear on Teesside!

There are no blogs or websites that I can find in the area, so I thought I'd give it a go and make my own.

I'll try to keep this as up to date as I can - feature magazines, articles, new products and anything else related to the Fixed Gear world.

Hopefully the blog will expand and evolve when more people get involved and the word spreads around Teesside.

If anyone does want to get involved or help run the blog, then you're more than welcome to chip in a get a good following up here in the North East.

Gonna get the blog sorted, put some links up and try to get it networked with other groups that are not too far away.
